Myelodysplastic Syndrome & Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Expert Perspectives in MDS and AML to Cover Key Topics in MDS and AML Treatment
Expert Perspectives delivers health care providers with insights from key thought leaders on the latest advancements and current practices in medicine, in a concise and timely format. This issue of Expert Perspectives in MDS and AML will feature selected topics in MDS and AML that we hope you will find of value in your clinical practice.
The clinicians who were surveyed selected the following experts and topics.
Community-Selected Experts:
Harry Paul Erba, MD, PhD
Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD
David Sallman, MD
Community-Selected Topics:
Expert Roundtables
- High-Risk MDS and AML: Present Strategies and Future Directions
- Unmet Needs and Current Challenges in MDS and AML Management
Clinical Topic Updates
- The Future of Immunotherapy in MDS and AML: Research Perspectives
- Drugs in Development and Ongoing Clinical Trials in MDS and AML
Patient Care Perspectives
- Principles of Supportive Care for AML
- Talking to Patients With MDS and AML About Better Chance of Cure vs Less Severe Side Effects