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Judd W. Moul, MD
James H. Semans, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Urologic Surgery
Professor of Surgery
Professor in Anesthesiology
Urologic Surgery Division
Member, Duke Cancer Institute
Duke University School of Medicine
Durham, NC
Judd W. Moul, MD, is the James H. Semans, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Urologic Surgery, professor of surgery, and professor in anesthesiology in the Urologic Surgery Division at Duke University School of Medicine, where he is also a member of the Duke Cancer Institute. He is a retired colonel from the United States Army Medical Corps and previously served as the director of the Center for Prostate Disease Research at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Dr Moul’s clinical practice focuses on broad aspects of prostate cancer and prostate disease. He is a noted authority on prostate cancer in African American men, the biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer, prostate-specific antigen testing, and nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy.
Dr Moul served as the division chief of urology at Duke from 2004 through 2011. During this time, the program was continuously ranked in the top 10 nationally by U.S. News & World Report, and he reestablished Duke Pediatric Urology and a research year for residents, initiated a collaboration with the Department of Defense to train an Army urologist each year, and established the Duke Prostate Center. He also was the first urologist in the history of Duke to be awarded a named endowed chair in 2009. During his era as chief, more than 50% of graduating residents chose careers in academic medicine, and many are now rising stars in their respective programs.
Before Duke, Dr Moul was nationally recognized for his creation of a US military–based prostate disease research database that continues to house information on more than 20,000 patients with prostate cancer treated at 9 collaborating institutions. He has been a principal investigator or investigator for 20 National Institutes of Health grants, as well as for grants from the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and CaP CURE (currently known as the Prostate Cancer Foundation). He has also managed more than $50 million in grants from the US Army Medical Research and Development Command since the inception of the Center for Prostate Disease Research in 1992.
In 1995, Dr Moul was the recipient of the American Medical Association Young Physicians Section Community Service Award for his national involvement in prostate cancer patient support groups. He also received the Sir Henry Wellcome Medal and Prize from the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States in 1996, was named a fellow of the American Urological Association/European Association of Urology Academic Exchange Program in 1994, and was the recipient of the Gold Cystoscope Award from the American Urological Association in 1997. Dr Moul also received the Baron Dominique Jean Larrey Military Surgeon Award for Excellence in 1998 and the Presidential Award from the Uniformed Services Urology Research Group in 2000. He was awarded the Castle Connolly National Physician of the Year for Clinical Medicine in 2009.
Dr Moul has authored and coauthored more than 525 scientific manuscripts, including articles in The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association. He served as the editor for Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, a nature medicine journal, for more than a decade and is a popular speaker and lecturer.
He has performed more than 2000 radical prostatectomies since joining the Duke faculty, and he is committed to outcomes research on this series and in other areas of prostate cancer. He is also committed to training residents and mentoring students and trainees. He and his wife Ellen (PSU HHD ’81) endowed a scholarship in the Penn State Eberly College of Science to support undergraduate students who are pursuing a career in the medical field.